To build up the character of students and to have faith in God and His providence in life on the basis of the noble aspects of our culture and to make them understand the true significance of religion, moral instructions and religious lessons are offered to all the students. As a part of this programme, meditations, prayer sessions, seminars, etc., are arranged periodically.


  1. Ask questions
  2. Respect and listen to your classmates
  3. Respect and listen to the teacher
  4. Raise your hand to speak
  5. Be prepared for class
  6. Be quiet when the teacher is talking
  7. Be quiet when classmates are talking
  8. Share new ideas
  9. Keep your hands to yourself
  10. Respect others’ property
  11. Keep your workspace tidy
  12. Be kind
  13. Always do your best
  14. Walk, don’t run, in the hallways
  15. Be a good friend
  16. Be on time
  17. Share with others
  18. Use equipment properly
  19. Help keep the classroom tidy
  20. Listen to all the teachers
  21. Obey all school rules
  22. Finish your homework on time
  23. Be respectful of classmates who are working
  24. Have a good attitude
  25. Use positive language
  26. Follow the dress code
  27. Line up neatly and quietly
  28. Stay in your seat
  29. Listen with your ears and your eyes
  30. Contribute to discussions
  31. Be respectful of others’ ideas
  32. Follow the teacher’s directions the first time they are given
  33. Cooperate with your classmates
  34. Be creative
  35. Be honest
  36. Use technology appropriately
  37. Be proud of your work